Friday, March 18, 2016

Tyler Perry Shuns Oprah Winfrey!

Friendship between Oprah Winfrey and Tyler Perry may be heading down south. According to the source, things got very tense when Oprah tried to bring new writers onto Perry's shows, particularly The Have and Have Nots, after viewer feedback suggested Perry's writing was lacking. "That's when Oprah finally got to see a side of Tyler she hadn't experienced yet,"

The source says. "He resisted her feedback, the same way he resists the feedback of critics and media people who chastise his work, and became extremely defensive with her." 

The source continues, "He told her, 'Aren't the shows delivering ratings for the network? Well, then let me do what I do and you can keep your focus group research to yourself.' "

Oprah is reportedly pissed about recent news reports claiming Perry "saved" her network with his high-rated shows. The two moguls are keeping their distance from each other.
Source: BET

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