
Monday, July 1, 2013

Being Broke Bites..WAKE UP!

What’s happening my friends? Why are you BROKE?  Wake up!

Being broke is more of a mindset matter than a financial one. Being broke financially is a by-product of your own mindset – which create your decisions, daily actions and resultsI will share with you a good advice I've got from experience and it actually helped me rise above my “broke-itis” and allowed me to put things into perspective and make a change… rather than remaining on the “Being Broke” state-of-mind. WAKE UP!
Start with you: Being broke all the time is about you not caring about yourself as much as you could be. If you don't value yourself, it's extremely hard to value money well. The choices that you make to spend, save, or borrow money affect your ability to live within your means or beyond them. WAKE UP!

Respect yourself: One major way to disrespect yourself is to buy what you cannot afford. The spiral that entails involves self-inflicted pain, inability to find enough money to pay for other things or even to repay what you've bought, and settling for a lifetime of debt over a lifetime of enough. WAKE UP!

Have you ever noticed that you are always so busy… with no time to focus on other things… maybe things you want to do? Well, that happens because you are  SO BUSY Being Broke… bills pilling up, the same story every single day… after day… after day. That is the honest truth. WAKE UP!

You are  so tired of being broke and not being able to just enjoy life… because you are so busy being broke… trying to make ends meet, trying to figure out how are YOU going to pay rent, and how you are going to find money to eat. You are so tired of hearing your friends fighting for money between them, blaming each other… tired of the lottery mentality… tired of not being able to provide for YOURSELF nor for the people you care. you are so tired and so done with that kind of life… that you forced yourself into making decisions you are scared of… and this is what you learned. WAKE UP!

There is a strange beauty within fear. When you have a tremendous fear of doing something, but still do it anyways……and follow through… you realize that fear is just a “false entity appearing real.”YOU should realize that you are actually stronger and bigger than fear. Realize that being broke is a fear of mine, it is holding you back. Realize that the reason you are broke is because you chose to live that way. You made it your daily lifestyle and you are tired of it, but you are also getting comfortable with it. WAKE UP!

Today, promised yourself that being broke is not going to be the kind of life you are going to live and things will changed for me. Make it a committed decision. Once you do that and figure out what the next step in my life is going to be, you cannot be more grateful for stepping out of my comfort zone. WAKE UP!

Being Broke No More… You Deserve Better!

I truly believe you deserve way better than struggling paycheck after paycheck just to make ends meet.

I also believe that YOUR CHANGE STARTS HERE.

What Do You Believe In? Do you believe in your fear or Do you believe in your power to conquer fear and life challenges?  A Great Life is On Your Own Terms, WAKE UP!

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