
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

(SHOCKING) What The Bible Says About Money (SEE VIDEO)

Most people know Sean Hyman from his regular appearances on Fox Business, CNBC, and Bloomberg Television, but what they don’t know is that Sean is a former pastor, and that his secret to investing is woven within the Bible.

People usually keep their faith separate from things like Investing,  however, Sean says that his secret to investing is the Bible.

Sean says it is this Biblical Money Code that took him from making a mere $15,000 a year to now giving away up to $50,000 a year. Sean also credits this code with helping him turn his father’s $40,000 retirement account into $396,000.

I’ve personally watched this presentation several times and it is already spreading virally.

And at the end, he finishes up with his “12-12-12 plan for investing.” This is a simple step-by-step plan to go from being a saver, to an investor, to a philanthropist.

Click Here to Watch Sean’s Presentation, ‘The Biblical Money Code’

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