Friday, August 16, 2013

Kim Kardashian Exposes Katie Couric - 2Face - Lovater Palava (READ)

Thanks, but no thanks.

On Friday, Kim Kardashian posted on her Instagram of a congratulations card from talk show host Katie Couric, captioning it with a message to not “talk sh*t” about her.

Couric was recently quoted in InTouch talking about the E! reality TV starlet’s family, saying, “I don’t understand – why are they so famous? I think it’s mostly teenage girls that are interested.”

Following that interview, Kardashian shared a snap of a baby gift presumably sent by Couric to congratulate the new mother on welcoming her daughter, North West.

“#IHateFakeMediaFriendsMayIHumblySuggestYouNotSendGiftsThenTalkSh*t,” Kardashian captioned the photo.


Source: Miss & Mrs

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