
Saturday, March 8, 2014

The Vision of Afriwood Awards - Afriwood Film Academy Awards: AFAA AWARDS

Many different factors motivate people within an industry, that includes, income, power, achievement, opportunity for advancement, the ability to contribute, but the major factor is the power of RECOGNITION.

Awards give recipients validation in the community of people who have collectively or individually represent years of innovation and creativity. People with aptitude to contribute in an industry are more likely contented and motivated, when they are recognized for their works and efforts. They will continue in their desire to excel and take the industry to the next level. 

Afriwood Awards: are set of awards given annually for recognition of excellence in African Cinematic Achievements in Diaspora. The awards will be given strictly based on merit. It will be organized and overseen by Afriwood Film Academy (AFAA).

Afriwood Film Academy Assoication(AFAA): is a symbolic organization of elite AFRICAN filmmakers and consortium of professionals that understand the fundamentals of film-making, film-critiquing and film-rating.

With Afriwood Academy Awards, Afriwood Film Academy Association (AFAA) intend to focus in general upkeep of African Film Industry 
in DIASPORA (AFID) based on merit to retain, motivate, nurture, educate, improve, and most importantly recognize excellence in art from all five branches of filmmaking, including, producers, actors, directors, writers and technicians. 

MISSION STATEMENT: To run a prestigious 
annual recognition based award ceremony and social networking events for African Film Industry in Diaspora (AFID).

To Submit your Films for Afriwood Film Academy Awards - Afriwood Awards Visit --- --- and follow the Instructions.

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