Thursday, September 25, 2014

Monrovia, Liberia: Two Doctors For Entire Bomi County Of 85,000 People

Dr. Gobee Logan

There are two doctors in the entire county. I don't mean two doctors to treat Ebola patients but two doctors, period says Dr. Gobee Logan, the county health director for Bomi County in Liberia.

Two doctors to take care of Ebola patients, plus the 100 patients in their general hospital, plus the rest of the county. That's two doctors for about 85,000 people.

Logan doesn't complain, even though he's been working around the clock since June, when the first Ebola case appeared in this agricultural county.

He would, however, like an actual Ebola treatment center. He's been taking care of patients in a holding facility, which has only 12 beds. Sometimes they have nearly double that number, and patients overflow onto mattresses on the floor.

He can't send these patients to real Ebola treatment centers because they're all full.

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