Thursday, June 25, 2015
Mr Ugliest Man In Uganda Fathers An Eighth Child (Photos & Video)
Godfrey Baguma, a 47 year-old man popularly known as Sebabi (‘ugliest of them all’) was dubbed ugly because of his unusual looks which are caused by a rare medical condition that he suffers from. He has created media buzz after he recently fathered his eighth child with his second wife, Kate Namanda, 30 confirming that love conquers all.
The couple has six kids plus two children from Sebabi’s first marriage. The Mirror reports that he met Namanda when she was 18 through his aunt who played go-between and stayed with her four years before making it official because he was afraid of being rejected. “I told her that I didn’t choose to look the way I do and that if she feels I am a burden, she is free to (leave) me, but she chose to stay”
These words from his mouth evoke sadness in the way they express the burden that he carries with him daily because of his condition and stigma that comes with it. Being referred to as ‘the ugliest’ is one type of constant stigma he lives with, that leaves us with a barrage of questions about the scale or system that the people use to determine one’s ugliness. Have we as Africans, lost respect for each other? Why is it that people no longer feel touched by another person’s predicament? It seems like the communities have come to a point where people are not touched by other people’s suffering instead they use other people’s ailments to ridicule them.
Where do we draw the line? It is perplexing to know that people nowadays tend to use the term ‘ugly’ loosely to the extend that the use it to describe the side effects of someone’s chronic medical condition. Instead of laughing at his story, people should be asking themselves what happened to the spirit of Ubuntu where people used to feel for each other, when people used to say injury to one is an injury to all.
Their wedding ceremony held in 2013 in his home town of Kyazanga, in the Lwengo District of Uganda, attracted a attention after some of the guests at the wedding reportedly paid UGS 4,000 ($1) to attend the reception and see the woman Sebabi married.
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