
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

AMAs 2016 Host Gigi Hadid, Apologizes To Melania Trump

Gigi Hadid has apologized for offending people with her Melania Trump impersonation.

The model-actress was slammed after she mocked the incoming first lady during a bit Sunday night at the American Music Awards.

Hadid tweeted a handwritten note Monday saying she was "honored" to co-host the awards show.

"I removed or changed anything in the script that I felt took the joke too far, and whether or not you choose to see it, what remained was done in good humor and with no bad intent," she wrote.

Hadid pointed out that she's been the target of comedy skits herself and was able to find the humor in them. She believes Trump does, too.

"I believe Melania understands show business and the way shows are written and run," Hadid wrote. "I apologize to anyone that I offended and have only the best wishes for our country."

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