Sunday, January 19, 2014

His Legacy Will Live Forever - RIP Komla Dumor

BBC TV presenter Komla Dumor died suddenly at his home in London at the age of 41, it has been announced.

Ghana-born Dumor was a presenter for BBC World News and its Focus on Africa programme.

One of Ghana's best-known journalists, he joined the BBC as a radio broadcaster in 2007 after a decade of journalism in Ghana.

Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama said on Twitter that his country had lost one of its finest ambassadors.

BBC Global News Director Peter Horrocks called Dumor a leading light of African journalism who would be deeply missed.
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One of the emerging African faces of global broadcasting”New African magazine November 2013

He was "committed to telling the story of Africa as it really is," Mr Horrocks said in a statement.

"Africa's energy and enthusiasm seemed to shine through every story Komla told".

"Komla's many friends and colleagues across Africa and the world will be as devastated as we are by this shocking news."

The BBC understands he had suffered a heart attack.

Komla Dumor featured in New African magazine's November 2013 list of 100 most influential Africans. It said he had "established himself as one of the emerging African faces of global broadcasting", who had "considerable influence on how the continent is covered".

James Harding, BBC Director of News and Current Affairs, spoke of Komla Dumor's "singular role in transforming the coverage of Africa". "He brought a depth of understanding, a great deal of courage, a joyous charm and boundless charisma to his work," Mr Harding said.

Source: BBC

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